Meg and El

Taking part in Bandanna Day.

Changing our Goal...

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far - we've made it much further, much faster than we expected! As such we have decided to raise our goal - and if you need any extra incentive to support this amazing cause, we are on our way to beating the principal of our school to her goal. [Not that it's a competition... >:)]

Thank you again for your ongoing support. We hope seeing us bald is an ample reward for your generosity.

Love, Meg and El xx

P.S - We are currently the #1 team for 2023!!!

We're heckin' shaving our heads for Bandanna Day this year!

Hello there,

To do our bit for Bandanna Day this year, we're shaving our heads!Β 

Thank you all for the support.


Meg and El xx

Thank you to our Sponsors


Mel Kruger


Bristol Family

Best wishes!


Graham Palmer

Congratulations. You're amazing young ladies.




Anthea Maynard

You are both inspiring. Thanks for being brave.


George Darby

Good work Elena, Love your style. Hey what did Elena ask Meg on Bandana day? “Toupée or not toupée?”


Rebecca Irwin

Great work ladies! :-)


Stella Rodriguez

Great work Ellie & Meg. Best wishes with your fundraising xxx you are brave and courageous. Love you dear Ellie xxx


Warwick & Sue Hoban

Go Meg! Super proud of you.


Pillow Talk Matched


Kenna Reid-clark

Lots of love to the whole Rodriguez family.



proud of yous baldies <3


Leah Mcclintock

Does this mean you won't be hogging the bathroom so much?


Leah Mcclintock



A brave thing to do for an amazing cause. So sorry for your loss Elena.


Matilda Mcclintock

All the best to both of you! I've been thinking of y'all often. Enjoy short hair on my behalf...


Pillow Talk Matched


Steve & Ann Cloudsdale

Well done Meg



Get a nice beanie then Meg


John Mclaine


Juan Carlos Rodriguez


Allison Sheehan

Sorry for your loss.


Alina Rodriguez

Go you legends! This is important stuff. Proud of you El. πŸ’› Can’t wait to pat that fuzzy noggin.


Pillow Talk Matched




Richard Clark


Minami Ivory


Benni Buchinger

I’m so sorry… your mum was such an incredible woman that would be so proud of you. Let me know if you ever need anything. Sending you so much love Elena & Felix ❀️


Ryan Wiese


Natasha Roberts



A beautiful gesture, Elena. Thinking of you all πŸ’•πŸ’•


Dulcie And Phil Adam

Well done Elena!


David Brice


Charlie Leslie

So proud of you guys for standing up and making a difference <3 Fuck cancer!


Niki Dalton

What a brave young woman you are Elena!! And a beautiful way to honour your Mum!!! Sending you lots of hugs!πŸ’•πŸ’•


Lauris O’brien




Helen Mcclintock

A great cause Marguerite!


Lesley Fraser

Go Meg!


Pillow Talk Matched


Morgan Fraser


Tate Soller


Pillow Talk Matched


Ellie & Jose

slay queeeeen!! - E love you, proud of you. coolest niece ever ❀️ - J




Mr Martin πŸ’Ό


Saint Kate


Tracey Mcclintock

Very proud of you Meg!


Pillow Talk Matched


Calum Evans

At least you'll be bald


Laura Panopoulos


Isabel Scharm

pippin says slay


Annabel Dayal.

Dear Elena, So sorry to hear of your loss. you won’t remember me but your dad and mum brought you to our place when they were in Adelaide. George’s Mother was a very good friend of mine and I knew him as a very spirited young man. Best wishes for your future journey in life.




Razor Jim


Adrien Butler



Nick Evans

Well done indeed young lady. Welcome to noe hair.


Pillow Talk Matched


S Spencer

Well done on making such a great contribution to a worthy cause.


Otto Middleton



Ankia Cloete

You are the bravest girl I’ve met! Proud of you!


Kate Mcculloch

Great effort girls!!


Pip And Steve

Go you good girl.


Nicole Jennings


Kirsty Clark

A great cause - your mum would be proud. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Jill Crawford



Hi Elena I knew your Mum through her friends at Uluru. She was so wonderful, and I remember visiting you all when you were younger, with our kids Oscar and Sacha. Im very sorry to hear of her passing and think you’re doing a great thing raising this money β€οΈπŸ’•β€οΈ‍🩹


Kaya Ricketts


Sarah Lang

Take care x


Libby Bakker

You’re amazing Meg! You’ll pull off a shaved head very well, I’m sure xx


Calic Fam

Woop woop! Good one Meg


Michelle Bradley






Stewart Reid


Ali Taylor


Katrina Hancock & Daniel Dienes



Priscilla Thomas

Dear Elena, you don’t know me, but I knew your Dad when he was just a boy. He’s always been a kind, gentle person and I’m sure you’re very much in his mould.



Love you too xoxo But Meg… DON’T DO IT 🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬



Go Meg! βœ…


Felix Darby-rodriguez

please let me shave a bit, please.




Mr Mcgoran



Mrs Mcgee

Go you awesome humans πŸ‘


Rory Mcmahon

Unpopular opinion ok but I think cancer is bad. But for real so much for you two. As someone who hasn’t lost anyone close but has had my life altered by it nevertheless I’d like to say Thankyou to you and a hearty go fuck your self to cancer.


Kaitlin Rheinberger

meg and elena, congratulations on this decision! both of you are so brave for making the choice to shave your heads in the name of such an important cause. super proud of you two and a premature welcome to the bald gang!! <3333




Meggie Moo

go get your tshirt girlipops 😜


Leah Davis

hope this helps!!! have fun being bald


Amy Strobach


Harry Mowat

Hope this helps!


Lilia Colgrave

Sup gurrrrl




Bec Maynard



Nicole Laskey

So proud of you Elena!


Elena Darby-rodriguez


Marguerite Mcclintock




Grace Fisher


Lu Iannantuono





Alison Reardon

With best wishes. Emily and Sophie.


Pillow Talk Matched



Brave girlπŸ₯°


Isaiah Stingle





Ur gonna look like an egg and it will rhyme with ur name hahahaha, on a serious note though good on you for doing this.


Marguerite Mcclintock


Bec Maynard
