Chloe (YA)

Personal Challenge 2024

Covering My Hair for Bandanna Day!

Hi everyone!

It's Chloe! Hopefully you've already had the chance to follow my story or even purchased one of my "Rest is Confetti" bandannas!

I'm covering my hair for Bandanna Day for every day in October (of course wearing my signature bandanna!). I'm going all out this year - wearing bandannas, selling bandannas and trying to spread as much awareness as possible. 

Will you help me, my Canteen friends, and future young people?

Let's make the 30th Anniversary the best campaign yet!!!!!

Thank you to My Sponsors

$63.30 Holly Baker

$30 Chloe Van Ommen

My achievements

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Raised $200

Raised $500

Raised $1,000

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